An Ice Cream bucket came to the rescue!
This holds a selection of 12 cups to choose from, it is lightweight, so easily carried to the table to help someone choose. It is waterproof, dishwasher proof, an it can easily be spray painted and decorated. The other side is flat so you can paint or glue a witty picture or saying to it.
First I took the handles off the bucket, and cut a straight line from the far edge of the handle up the bucket to the other side. I cut it with a box cutter, and scissors on the edge.
Next I cut a 2 inch circle template out of poster board. I found the center of the curve, and the center of the sides and put a light dotted line with a sharpie. You can clean up the sharpie marks afterwards with rubbing alcohol. I traced 12 circles on the bucket, and put an X with the box cutter in the center. I used scissors to cut the circles out with.
You can see I experimented with attaching the circles, but found it made no difference in the fit, and actually diminished the structural integrity of the bucket
I turned it on it's side to make an arch of pods. If I stood it upright, the pods didn't stay in well.
After that, It was off to the counter. I will paint mine later, after I finish cleaning up the kitchen!
Enjoy and recycle!